
Basterd ;) I think you are right - been a long time since I've needed to
cache a query. You are right I remember. Cache for 5 minutes - yup 5 minutes
- unless some sort of error?


An interesting point - caching the WRONG or OUT OF DATE stuff can be worse
than not caching at all.


Tired - went to bed at 4am and woke up at 9am thinking I overslept and it
was 2pm! Long day!


I certainly recommend caching queries. Even for 5-15 minutes on a heavy
trafficked site can make a difference. Every site and application will be
different. The developer fun is finding or tuning the sweetspot.




Nope, you're wrong re 4. There's no underlying magic that notifies CF that a
query has changed. If you cache a query for whatever timespan CF doesn't
talk to the server for that timespan at all unless you flush the query cache
by for instance setting cachedwithin for that query to a zero-timespan or
restart the CF service/daemon




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