Hi Steve,

I believe this is what your trying to achieve:


Running code: http://demo.kukiel.net/cfaussie.cfm


On Jul 13, 8:37 pm, "Steve Onnis" <st...@cfcentral.com.au> wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a way i can create a new reference to a cfc that i am
> already in?
> Something like....
> FooBar.cfc
> <cfcomponent>
>       <cfproperty name="fooProp" type="string" />
>       <cffunction name="bar" output="false">
>             <cfscript>
>                   LOCAL.tmpArr = [];
>                   for (LOCAL.i = 1; LOCAL.i LTE 10; LOCAL.i = LOCAL.1+1) {
>                         LOCAL.tmpObj = new this;
>                         LOCAL.tmpObj.setfooBar("Some String #LOCAL.i#");
>                         ArrayAppend(LOCAL.tmpArr, LOCAL.tmpObj);
>                         }
>             </cfscript>
>       </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> Obviously "new this;" wont work.
> I want something to replace
> LOCAL.tmpObj = createObject("COMPONENT", "FooBar");
> Ideas?
> Steve

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