Unit Testing with MX Unit and Continuous Integration with ANT and
Jenkins CI: Gavin Baumanis

Kent Beck said;
“Test driven development is a way of managing fear during

He goes on to say that;
• “Fear makes you tentative,
• Fear makes you want to communicate less,
• Fear makes you shy away from feedback.“

Test Driven Development (TDD) allows us take steps towards controlling
of all of these things.

Gavin will show the pros and cons of Unit testing - and why he thinks
you simply must write tests for your code.

MX Unit is a ColdFusion port of the popular java testing framework,
Gavin will show you how to;
* write
* run your unit tests

He'll also go into how to integrate your testing suite with ANT and
the Jenkins CI platform to automate the testing of your code.
So you'll be able to;
* run your tests on command
* run your tests every time you commit new code to your version
control system

and lastly,
* deploy your tested code to a server.

Gavin Baumanis :

Melbourne Native who has been using ColdFusion since 4.00 when he
inherited an application at RMIT University that was used to display
spatial / usage / department information for the universities 15,000
Currently, he is the Senior Application Developer at PalCare, a
company that provides web-based patient management software for the
palliative care industry.
He is also the Patch Manager for Apache Subversion project and spends
his spare time looking for long-winding roads on his motorcycle.

Date: Thursday 22 September  2011
Time: 6:30 PM
Level 2
255 Bourke Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3000

A note on the door will provide a number to ring for access.
RSVP: Please reply to this post if you are planning to attend so we
know how many pizzas to order.

As always, many thanks to Dale Fraser and CogState for their
hospitality. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Peter Robertson

Melbourne Adobe Developers

Steve Onnis
Melbourne Adobe Developers

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