With the greatest of reservations about feeding the trolls....


What alternate universe do you live in, Andrew?


I clearly stated

The intent of the two CFCs is different.


that for "MY" work - the ServiceCFC was all but, always an empty stub for 
the method in the DAO CFC.





1 <cffunction name="getStuff>

2 <cfargument name="name1">

3 <cfargument name="name2">

4 <cfargument name="name3">

5 <cfargument name="name4">

6 <cfargument name="name5">


8 <cfreturn DAO_CFC.getStuff(name1, name2, name3, name4, name5 >

9 </cffunction>




1 <cffunction name="getStuff>

2 <cfargument name="name1">

3 <cfargument name="name2">

4 <cfargument name="name3">

5 <cfargument name="name4">

6 <cfargument name="name5">


8 <cfquery name="myQuery">

9 SELECT * from #arguments,name1 where column1 = #arguments.name2" and 
column2 = #arguments.nam3# and column3=#arguments.name4# and column22 in 

10 </cfquery>


12 <cfreturn myQuery >

13 </cffunction>


Under what circumstances, on planet earth, is lines 1 through 7, in either 
CFC not a duplicate of the other?

Whereby "duplicate" means;

(according to *thefreedictionary.com* <http://thefreedictionary.com/>)

*1. *Identically copied from an original.


I even stated in my post that I created the DAO CFC by copy / pasting the 
code from the Service CFC. 

And included the caveat of;

So apart from the "guts" of the DAO method 

And also provided the proof - that the application "diff" agreed with me.


But alas,

I forgot you know absolutely everything about everything and that you are 
never, ever, wrong.

Obviously,  I am wrong. As must be every file “diffing” tool in existence.


Please accept my apology for not completely / wholly agreeing with you, 

I am not sure what came over me, 

I will never, ever doubt you or your stunning and dazzling ColdFusion 
brilliance, again.


In Andrew Scott We Trust - because he says so.

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