OK. If it happens again and you want to debug it, and especially to catch it
while the code is running in production, rather than doing the cfdump to the
screen, put a test for isquery("queryname") before the CFOUTPUT LOOP, and if
it's not a query, then do the CFDUMP but write it to a file (using the new
OUTPUT attribute for CFDUMP, added in CF8), to see what is in that variable
at that point.

I'm not surprised that the error is coming and going. I suspect (and have
from the beginning) that you have a situation where another thread is
overwriting the variable. I appreciate that you might say, "but the query is
in the variables scope, so how could that happen?" But let's not speculate.
Let the diagnostics tell you what's going on. If the trap above springs,
you'll see what CF thinks at that moment the variable is, and you may from
that then recognize (or can search) where that may be being set, elsewhere
in code.

Hope that's helpful.




From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:32 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [cfaussie] RE: Attribute validation error for tag cfoutput




the code original read:


<cfquery name="queryname">





group by





<cfoutput query="queryname">



The error referred to <cfoutput query="queryname">


The debug output was the generic query debug output you might see when
debugging was turned on on the server, which gets displayed after the errors




SQL Queries 

queryname (Datasource=datasourcename, Time=62ms, Records=0)


To test what was happening, I Used CFDUMP, eg:


<cfquery name="queryname">





group by





<cfdump var="#queryname#">

<cfoutput query="queryname">



and the error moved to the <cfdump var="#queryname#">


The code is now running as expected though, I removed the CFLOOP and put
back in CFOUTPUT and the error is no longer reproducable. It is as if
nothing has happened at all and the page never had an error.


No server restart required I might add.


Thanks again.


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