I think Dale isn't that far off - I've trained for registered training
organizations  and they pay less than
$100 an hour for however many students are in the class (usually a limit of
4 or 5 and topend limit of 8-10
due thats all the machines they have in a lab).

The students are paying a few hundred a day each (usually two day courses)
you have about 6 hours
teaching between breaks and the trainer is responsible for the course
curriculum / ad hoc machine support etc.
Sometimes there is setup time - but travel time is long gone.

Not lucrative but its work. Inhouse stuff seems to be about 50% more but
usually in less controlled circumstance
and you usually dont have machines to distract the kids ;).

So not neccesarily as expensive as some here suggest.


On 28 November 2012 12:34, <cfaussie@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie/topics
>    - cfx_http5 issue with SOAP XML 
> posting<#13b44a698a82a282_group_thread_0>[1 Update]
>    - What the ColdFusion community needs more 
> of...<#13b44a698a82a282_group_thread_1>[12 Updates]
>   cfx_http5 issue with SOAP XML 
> posting<http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie/t/2659a5865caaf3b2>
>    Hitesh <hiteshpatel1...@gmail.com> Nov 27 08:32AM -0800
>    Hi there,
>    I have below example to post XML to SSL URL using CFX_HTTP5. When I
>    post it
>    generates two variables : RESULT & STATUS.
>    STATUS is OK while RESULT variables is EMPTY.
>    What could be wrong here?
>    ------------- code start ---------------
>    <cfsavecontent variable="xmlRequest"><SOAP:Envelope
>    xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"><SOAP:Header>
>    <AccountNumber>XXXXXXX</AccountNumber>
>    <AuthorisationCode>XXXXXXX</AuthorisationCode>
>    <Source>xs</Source>
>    </SOAP:Header>
>    <SOAP:Body>
>    <PostAdvert>
>    <Adverts>
>    <Advert>
>    <MarketID>01</MarketID>
>    <AccountNumber>XXXXXX</AccountNumber>
>    <AdvertiserID/>
>    <Contact>RECRUITadvantage
>    Administrator</Contact>
>    <Telephone/>
>    <Fax/>
>    <Email/>
>    <EmailComments/>
>    <Position>Test Job 1 - Jobserve New - DO NOT
>    APPLY</Position>
>    <Skills/>
>    <SkillsExtra/>
>    <HtmlSkills><![CDATA[<p>Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 -
>    Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest
>    Job 1
>    - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest
>    Job
>    1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    NewTest
>    Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 -
>    Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test
>    Job 1
>    - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test
>    Job
>    1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New
>    Test
>    Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    New
>    Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 -
>    Jobserve
>    New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New</p><p> </p><p>Test Job 1 - Jobserve New
>    Test
>    Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 - Jobserve
>    New
>    Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 -
>    Jobserve
>    New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest Job 1 -
>    Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest
>    Job 1
>    - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve NewTest
>    Job
>    1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    NewTest
>    Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve New Test Job 1 - Jobserve
>    New</p>]]></HtmlSkills>
>    <Location>Sydney</Location>
>    <CountryCode>AUS</CountryCode>
>    <PostZipCode/>
>    <Reference>669/AU1298RA000007</Reference>
>    <StartDate>ASAP</StartDate>
>    <Duration>18 MONTHS</Duration>
>    <Rate>$140/hour</Rate>
>    <Type>C</Type>
>    <URL>
>    http://webdev02:669/job/apply_job_online.cfm?id=474757&from=JobServeNew
>    </URL>
>    <Categories/>
>    <FastTrack>
>    <ApplyOnline>0</ApplyOnline>
>    <ApplyOnlineEmail></ApplyOnlineEmail>
>    <ApplyOnlineTemplate></ApplyOnlineTemplate>
>    </FastTrack>
>    <Configuration>
>    <AlternativeName/>
>    <VISARequired/>
>    <ReferFriend/>
>    <CustomJobID>669/AU1298RA000007</CustomJobID>
>    <NumberOfReAds>3</NumberOfReAds>
>    <SecondaryMarketID>03</SecondaryMarketID>
>    <TertiaryMarketID>11</TertiaryMarketID>
>    </Configuration>
>    <Consultant>
>    <ConsultantEmail>RECRUITadvantage</ConsultantEmail>
>    <ConsultantFirstName>Administrator</ConsultantFirstName>
>    <ConsultantLastName>t...@gmail.com</ConsultantLastName>
>    </Consultant>
>    </Advert>
>    </Adverts>
>    </PostAdvert>
>    </SOAP:Body>
>    </SOAP:Envelope>
>    </cfsavecontent>
>    <cfset CFXheader="Content-Type: text/xml;
>    charset=utf-8#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#">
>    <cfset CFXheader="#CFXheader#Accept-Encoding: *#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#">
>    <cfset CFXheader="#CFXheader#TE: deflate;q=0#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#">
>    <cfset CFXheader="#CFXheader#SOAPMethodName:
>    PostAdvert#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#">
>    <cfx_http5 url="https://xml.jobserve.com"; headers="#CFXheader#"
>    body="#Trim(xmlRequest)#" out="result">
>    <cfdump var="#result#"><br>
>    <cfoutput>
>    status = #status# <br>
>    <cfif status EQ "ER">
>    <h3>Error: #errn#<br>Message: #msg#</h3>
>    </cfif>
>    </cfoutput>
>    ----------------------- code ends ---------------
>    Can you please help on this why the SSL URL returning empty response
>    back
>    to me?
>    Thanks,
>    Hitesh
>   What the ColdFusion community needs more 
> of...<http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie/t/e6d94eb7b17be192>
>    "Dale Fraser" <d...@fraser.id.au> Nov 26 10:31PM -0500
>    Not through their training partners.
>    The problem with training guys is they want $1k per person per day
>    Why should they earn $10k per day. Adobe should pay a trainer $1k per
>    day
>    and let heaps of people go for free.
>    I tried to organise similar training once, pay the trainer a good
>    daily rate
>    and get them to train 10 people, but no trainer is greedy and wants a
>    per
>    person fee.
>    Sorry no dice.
>    Regards
>    Dale Fraser
>    http://dale.fraser.id.au
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On
>    Behalf
>    Of Barry Beattie
>    Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 6:10 PM
>    To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>    Subject: Re: [cfaussie] What the ColdFusion community needs more of...
>    > On another note who in the world can take 10 weeks off full time to
>    do
>    > such a course.
>    the unemployed, students, etc. I was four months unemployed last year.
>    I was three months unemployed (thanks, Can-Do Campbell!) until
>    recently. It
>    happens.
>    > If Adobe were to sponsor / subsidise this it would be a different
>    story.
>    now you're talking, although it would have to be through their training
>    partners, surely to keep them onside?
>    --
>    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>    Groups
>    "cfaussie" group.
>    To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com.
>    To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>    cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>    For more options, visit this group at
>    http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie?hl=en.
>    "Dale Fraser" <d...@fraser.id.au> Nov 26 10:34PM -0500
>    I'll prefix this by saying I like Railo and think it has something to
>    offer.
>    However moving from a niche product ColdFusion to an even more niche
>    product
>    Railo certainly holds risk.
>    I wonder how many people would use Railo if ColdFusion were free.
>    Regards
>    Dale Fraser
>    http://dale.fraser.id.au
>    From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On
>    Behalf
>    Of M@ Bourke
>    Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 6:17 PM
>    To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>    Subject: Re: [cfaussie] What the ColdFusion community needs more of...
>    Coldfusion needs more of a move to the OSS servers, and people hanging
>    with
>    other OSS devs and telling them about Railo etc.
>    I go to several different language groups where I live, if I say I use
>    coldfusion they're stunned and the conversation ends there, if I say
>    "I use
>    Railo its an open source Coldfusion server" "oh really?" "yeah there
>    is more
>    than one open source server plus one Adobe still makes"
>    fortunately the last 2 conferences I went to, over 70% of devs were
>    using
>    Railo commercially, the tide is turning fast
>    On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Barry Beattie <
>    barry.beat...@gmail.com>
>    wrote:
>    > On another note who in the world can take 10 weeks off full time to
>    do
>    such a
>    > course.
>    the unemployed, students, etc. I was four months unemployed last year.
>    I was three months unemployed (thanks, Can-Do Campbell!) until
>    recently. It happens.
>    > If Adobe were to sponsor / subsidise this it would be a different
>    story.
>    now you're talking, although it would have to be through their
>    training partners, surely to keep them onside?
>    --
>    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>    Groups
>    "cfaussie" group.
>    To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com.
>    To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>    cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>    <mailto:cfaussie%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com> .
>    For more options, visit this group at
>    http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie?hl=en.
>    --
>    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>    Groups
>    "cfaussie" group.
>    To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com.
>    To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>    cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>    For more options, visit this group at
>    http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie?hl=en.
>    Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> Nov 27 02:42PM +1100
>    I hate to point this out but...
>    Why would a student bet his future on a programming language that is
>    such a
>    small part of the global programming community? Statistically, it just
>    doesn't make any sense.
>    Especially at that price?
>    --
>    E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>    T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>    W: www.compoundtheory.com
>    2 Devs from Down Under Podcast
>    http://www.2ddu.com/
>    Kai Koenig <grmblz...@gmail.com> Nov 27 05:17PM +1300
>    Not sure sure which trainers would try to charge 1k per person per
>    day, that's quite outrageous.
>    However, Dale - to expect a good trainer to charge you 1k for a day
>    and you can put 10 people in the room is quite unrealistic, too.
>    Instructing is always a balance from a trainer's point of view:
>    a) Opportunity cost (if one could earn 1k per day from development
>    work, why would they offer a training for the same rate)
>    b) Teach-yourself-out-of-work cost: Why would one train other
>    developers "to do their job" for only a small amount of money more than
>    doing development work themselves.
>    Just to give you an idea, depending on the technology I personally
>    charge between 1500-2000 per day for in-house training plus all travel and
>    accommodation cost. That would usually cover a group of up to 6 people, if
>    the client wants to put more people into the course there'd be additional
>    charges. This model seems to work very well. If you happen to find that too
>    expensive for quality tuition that'd be fair enough; we just won't get
>    together then based on such a model :-)
>    Please note that this all refers to inhouse-training only. Training
>    booked and provided through a 3rd part training company with "publicly"
>    held and bookable courses is a totally different game again.
>    Cheers
>    Kai
>    --
>    Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
>    ph: +64 4 889 3626 - mob: +64 21 928 365 / +61 435 179 091
>    web: http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
>    Blog in Black: http://www.bloginblack.de
>    2DDU Podcast: http://www.2ddu.com/
>    Twitter: @AgentK
>    --
>    Kai Koenig <grmblz...@gmail.com> Nov 27 05:27PM +1300
>    > Why would a student bet his future on a programming language that is
>    such a small part of the global programming community? Statistically, it
>    just doesn't make any sense.
>    > Especially at that price?
>    Are you talking about the Rails link floating around or about a
>    potential CFML version of it?
>    I'd say it's the wrong thing to do/offer/attend either way to be
>    honest.
>    Cheers
>    Kai
>    --
>    Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
>    ph: +64 4 889 3626 - mob: +64 21 928 365 / +61 435 179 091
>    web: http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
>    Blog in Black: http://www.bloginblack.de
>    2DDU Podcast: http://www.2ddu.com/
>    Twitter: @AgentK
>    --
>    Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> Nov 27 03:32PM +1100
>    The potential cfml version of it.
>    I've head a lot of ruby people say that Rails is starting to show it's
>    gray
>    hairs (probably due it's monolithic stack), but Ruby has far and wide
>    penetration and an enormous community (especially here in Melbourne it
>    seems), so it still has a fair amount of momentum in it for sure.
>    --
>    E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>    T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>    W: www.compoundtheory.com
>    2 Devs from Down Under Podcast
>    http://www.2ddu.com/
>    Kai Koenig <grmblz...@gmail.com> Nov 27 05:38PM +1300
>    Well fair enough, but still - would you book an 8 week Rails course
>    with random promises as made on that site without knowing about who's
>    behind it, who the teachers are etc...? :)
>    Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> Nov 27 03:45PM +1100
>    Oh that's a totally different problem!
>    I just made the assumption that the training was good.
>    Mark
>    --
>    E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>    T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>    W: www.compoundtheory.com
>    2 Devs from Down Under Podcast
>    http://www.2ddu.com/
>    AJ Mercer <ajmer...@gmail.com> Nov 27 12:47PM +0800
>    I feel a 2ddu podcast brewing ;-)
>    --
>    *AJ Mercer*
>    <webonix:net strength="Industrial" /> <http://webonix.net> |
>    <webonix:org
>    community="Open" /> <http://webonix.org>
>    http://twitter.com/webonix
>    Railo Community Manager <
>    http://www.getrailo.org/index.cfm/community/team/>
>    Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> Nov 27 03:48PM +1100
>    Might be ;)
>    Mark
>    --
>    E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>    T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>    W: www.compoundtheory.com
>    2 Devs from Down Under Podcast
>    http://www.2ddu.com/
>    "Dale Fraser" <d...@fraser.id.au> Nov 27 09:11AM -0500
>    No Kai,
>    I think your proposal is reasonable, its just not what I've seen here.
>    It was $10k for 10 people, perhaps for 1 it would have been $2k or $3k
>    not
>    sure, but $1k per person per day wasn't reasonable.
>    Their justification it was less expensive than sending everyone to the
>    offsite course.
>    Regards
>    Dale Fraser
>    http://dale.fraser.id.au
>    From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On
>    Behalf
>    Of Kai Koenig
>    Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 11:18 PM
>    To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>    Subject: Re: [cfaussie] What the ColdFusion community needs more of...
>    Not sure sure which trainers would try to charge 1k per person per day,
>    that's quite outrageous.
>    However, Dale - to expect a good trainer to charge you 1k for a day
>    and you
>    can put 10 people in the room is quite unrealistic, too.
>    Instructing is always a balance from a trainer's point of view:
>    a) Opportunity cost (if one could earn 1k per day from development
>    work, why
>    would they offer a training for the same rate)
>    b) Teach-yourself-out-of-work cost: Why would one train other
>    developers "to
>    do their job" for only a small amount of money more than doing
>    development
>    work themselves.
>    Just to give you an idea, depending on the technology I personally
>    charge
>    between 1500-2000 per day for in-house training plus all travel and
>    accommodation cost. That would usually cover a group of up to 6
>    people, if
>    the client wants to put more people into the course there'd be
>    additional
>    charges. This model seems to work very well. If you happen to find
>    that too
>    expensive for quality tuition that'd be fair enough; we just won't get
>    together then based on such a model :-)
>    Please note that this all refers to inhouse-training only. Training
>    booked
>    and provided through a 3rd part training company with "publicly" held
>    and
>    bookable courses is a totally different game again.
>    Cheers
>    Kai
>    Not through their training partners.
>    The problem with training guys is they want $1k per person per day
>    Why should they earn $10k per day. Adobe should pay a trainer $1k per
>    day
>    and let heaps of people go for free.
>    I tried to organise similar training once, pay the trainer a good
>    daily rate
>    and get them to train 10 people, but no trainer is greedy and wants a
>    per
>    person fee.
>    Sorry no dice.
>    Regards
>    Dale Fraser
>    http://dale.fraser.id.au
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On
>    Behalf
>    Of Barry Beattie
>    Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 6:10 PM
>    To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>    Subject: Re: [cfaussie] What the ColdFusion community needs more of...
>    On another note who in the world can take 10 weeks off full time to do
>    such a course.
>    the unemployed, students, etc. I was four months unemployed last year.
>    I was three months unemployed (thanks, Can-Do Campbell!) until
>    recently. It
>    happens.
>    If Adobe were to sponsor / subsidise this it would be a different
>    story.
>    now you're talking, although it would have to be through their training
>    partners, surely to keep them onside?
>    --
>    Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
>    ph: +64 4 889 3626 - mob: +64 21 928 365 / +61 435 179 091
>    web: http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
>    Blog in Black: http://www.bloginblack.de
>    2DDU Podcast: http://www.2ddu.com/
>    Twitter: @AgentK
>    --
>    --
>    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>    Groups
>    "cfaussie" group.
>    To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com.
>    To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>    cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>    For more options, visit this group at
>    http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie?hl=en.
>    "M@ Bourke" <m.electronic.at.sym...@gmail.com> Nov 27 02:20PM
>    Personally I'm not a fan of training, its great for some people,
>    everyone
>    has different ways of learning, my last company offered us either
>    several
>    days of training a year or several days to go and study at home.
>    I chose the latter.
>    I'd rather my employer (when I'm an employee) to simply say "sit at
>    your
>    desk and learn x for 2 days"
>    than be in a class where its simply "copy code from a course book into
>    a
>    computer and not really pay too much attention to what it is" I know
>    that
>    isn't the idea of a course lol but its how I find them.
>    different strokes for different folks.
>  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group
> cfaussie.
> You can post via email <cfaussie@googlegroups.com>.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send<cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>an 
> empty message.
> For more options, visit <http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie/topics>this 
> group.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "cfaussie" group.
> To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> cfaussie+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/cfaussie?hl=en.

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