I think it should be & and not +.



From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2015 10:44 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: SPAM-LOW: RE: [cfaussie] Creating A String With ## values in coldfusion


<cfset delim = chr(35) /> 

                              <cfset mycommand= delim + 'reboot' +  delim + 
delim + url.imei + delim + '1212'>


Generates the error 


The value # cannot be converted to a number.





The error occurred in 
C:/home/svr.trackingcentral.com.au/wwwroot/mobile_apps/test.cfm: line 11

9 : <body>

10 : <cfset delim = chr(35) /> 

11 :           <cfset mycommand= delim + 'reboot' +  delim + delim + url.imei + 
delim + '1212'>

12 : 

13 : <cfoutput>#mycommand#</cfoutput>







NB: TrackingCentral is now a registered product & services provider for the 
National Disability Insurance Scheme, under the category of Assisted Technology




Claude Raiola
TrackingCentral Pty. Ltd

Free Call 1300 255 990




From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com>  
[mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2015 10:11 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] Creating A String With ## values in coldfusion


personally, I'd much prefer setting the # as a variable from the chr(x) 
function over replacing one string with another. Easily missed and there are ~ 
popping up unexpectedly...


my 2c


(from memory, YMMV)

<cfset delim = chr(35) /> /** # as delim **/

<cfset mycommand= delim + "reboot" +  delim + delim + url.id <http://url.id>  + 
delim + "1212">


On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Blair McKenzie <shi...@gmail.com 
<mailto:shi...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Another alternative - create the output with a substitute delimiter, like ~, 
and then use replace to change them to hashes.




On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Dale Fraser <d...@fraser.id.au 
<mailto:d...@fraser.id.au> > wrote:

I would break it apart


<cfset mycommand=”##reboot###url.id###1212## <http://url.id#%23%231212%23%23> ”>




<cfset mycommand = “##reboot##” & url.id <http://url.id>  & “##1212##” />



Dale Fraser


From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com>  
[mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com> ] On 
Behalf Of Jack Traynor
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2015 8:54 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] Creating A String With ## values in coldfusion


I copy + pasted the code from your email into a CF10 test page and added 
/?id=100 to the URL and it worked as you expected it to.


Do you have an example of an ID?


What error are you getting?






On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 2:22 AM, M@ Bourke <m.electronic.at.sym...@gmail.com 
<mailto:m.electronic.at.sym...@gmail.com> > wrote:

how about something like

<cfset mycommand=”##reboot##"+  <http://url.id/#%23%231212%23%23> url.id 


On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 3:16 PM, <rai...@ozemail.com.au 
<mailto:rai...@ozemail.com.au> > wrote:



This has been causing me grief so some assistance would be appreciated


I need to be able to create a ColdFusion variable that contains the following 
text “#reboot#45454#1212#”


The values of “#reboot#” and “#1212#” are constant however the value of 45454 
is dynamically generated from the url parameter passed to the page


So the actual CF code should look something like: <cfset 
mycommand=”##reboot###url.id###1212## <http://url.id#%23%231212%23%23> ”> So 
that the ## output a single #


No matter what I try I cannot get it to work, even tried using a 
evaluate(url.id <http://url.id> ) but that gave no joy either 






NB: TrackingCentral is now a registered product & services provider for the 
National Disability Insurance Scheme, under the category of Assisted Technology




Claude Raiola
TrackingCentral Pty. Ltd

Free Call 1300 255 990




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