Hi everyone.
 I have an issue with inserting orders into a database.  What I currently 
do is create a random number and insert that number into the database when 
an order is inserted.  I then query the database to get the order number 
(unique ID generated by SQL Server).  Using this order number I then insert 
the items into an item table. 
 The issue is that its possible for 2 orders to end up with the same unique 
number, this is because the random function is not actually that random.  
If two people are submitting orders at the same time, they get the same 
random number.  This means that all of the items ordered go to one 
customer, and the other customer gets no items. 
 Current code for the random number is
 <cfset session.order.uniquenumber = RandRange(1,99999999) + now()>
 Is there a more reliable way of doing this? 

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