EricWF accepted this revision.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LGTM modulo inline comments.

Comment at: include/map:1138
@@ +1137,3 @@
+        else
+            return emplace_hint(__p, 
+                      _VSTD::piecewise_construct, 
mclow.lists wrote:
> I think this should be `__h`, not `__p`, since `__p == end()`
I actually think you should leave this as is. `__tree` seems to properly handle 
the end iterator as a hint. `__tree::__find_equal(hint, ...)` assumes that if 
`hint` is `end()` then the value should be inserted just prior to `hint`. 

You should be able to implement the the `try_emplace(hint, ...)` methods in 
terms of the normal `try_emplace` methods because we ignore the hint anyway.

Comment at: 
@@ +69,3 @@
+        for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2 )
+            m.emplace ( i, Moveable(i, (double) i));
+        assert(m.size() == 10);
Why not use `try_emplace` here as well? 

Comment at: 
@@ +72,3 @@
+        Moveable mv1(3, 3.0);
+        r = m.try_emplace(2, std::move(mv1));
For the sake of covering corner cases could we test every inserted value? This 
applies for `insert_or_assign` as well.

for (int i=0; i < 20; i += 2) {
  Movable mv1(i, (double)i);
  r = m.try_emplace(2, std::move(mv1));
  assert(m.size() == 10);
  assert(!r.second);                  // was not inserted
  assert(!mv1.moved());               // was not moved from
  assert(r.first->first == 2);        // key

Comment at: 
@@ +79,3 @@
+        r = m.try_emplace(3, std::move(mv1));
+        assert(m.size() == 11);
We should test the cases where insertion happens at the front and at the back.

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