hubert.reinterpretcast added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/
@@ +1963,3 @@
+def err_concept_decls_may_only_appear_in_global_scope : Error<
+  "function and variable concept declarations may only appear in global 
+def err_function_concept_not_defined : Error<
nwilson wrote:
> hubert.reinterpretcast wrote:
> > Perhaps s/function and variable concept/concept/; see Aaron's response for 
> > further changes.
> to make mention of it here, Aaron suggested having, "concept declarations may 
> only appear in namespace scope" (since there aren't any concept declarations 
> other than function and variable ones).
> Is there any other opinion or preference on the phrasing?
Apparently, Aaron and I are of the same mind on the phrasing. :)

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