mclow.lists added a comment.

One issue and a few nits.

Comment at: src/any.cpp:18
@@ +17,3 @@
Because of arcane packaging issues, we put the exception classes in an 
unversioned namespace and the destructors in the the dylib as well.   See 
<optional> implementation.

      const char* bad_any_cast::what() const _NOEXCEPT
          return "bad any cast";

      bad_any_cast::~ bad_any_cast() _NOEXCEPT {}

This will require a change in the header file as well

Comment at: test/std/experimental/any/any.class/any.assign/copy.pass.cpp:194
@@ +193,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Should probably fix this. (add newline)

Comment at: test/std/experimental/any/any.class/any.assign/move.pass.cpp:102
@@ +101,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

and this (newline)

Comment at: test/std/experimental/any/any.class/any.modifiers/clear.pass.cpp:42
@@ +41,3 @@
+        any a(s);
+        a.clear();
I think that adding an `assertNotEmpty<small>(a)` here (and on line #52) will 
make the test better.

For completeness, you could add `assertEmpty(a)` on line #34 as well.

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