rengolin added a comment.

In, @rnk wrote:

> Sorry for ignoring this. I looked at it, didn't like the approach, but 
> couldn't think of a better one.

Welcome to my world... This is not my first attempt... :)

> Here's a dumb idea: what if we alias -Wa,-mcpu= to -mcpu=? This would have 
> the unintended side effect of making -Wa,-mcpu affect the CPU used for 
> *compilation* in addition to assembly, but that seems like not a very big 
> deal. If that's OK, it solves the whole getLastArg problem without 
> complicating the driver C++ code.

It would, but the behaviour that makes most sense if for the -Wa to override 
the naked options for the assembler, and never be used for the compiler. If we 
merge them, -Wa options will work for compilation, too, and won't override 
naked options when it should.

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