honggyu.kim added a comment.

I also tested this patch with the following example.

  $ cat -n test.c
       1  int main()
       2  {
       3    int a;
       4  #if __arm__
       5    int b = a;
       6  #endif
       7    return a;
       8  }

As you can see above, the example contains arm specific code region with arm 
macro in #if statement.
If I run it with scan-build the result doesn't contain the bug for variable b 
since it is within arm specific code region.

  $ scan-build clang test.c
  scan-build: Using '/home/hong.gyu.kim/work.hard/clang/install/bin/clang' for 
static analysis
  test.c:7:3: warning: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
    return a;
  1 warning generated.
  scan-build: 1 bug found.
  scan-build: Run 'scan-view /tmp/scan-build-2015-07-31-002115-17505-1' to 
examine bug reports.

But when I run it with --triple option with arm target triple, it correctly 
shows the bug from variable b.

  $ scan-build --triple=arm-linux-gnueabi clang test.c
  scan-build: Using '/home/hong.gyu.kim/work.hard/clang/install/bin/clang' for 
static analysis
  test.c:5:3: warning: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
    int b = a;
    ^~~~~   ~
  test.c:5:7: warning: Value stored to 'b' during its initialization is never 
    int b = a;
        ^   ~
  2 warnings generated.
  scan-build: 2 bugs found.
  scan-build: Run 'scan-view /tmp/scan-build-2015-07-31-002128-17518-1' to 
examine bug reports.


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