On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:46:33 -0400, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Owain wrote:

> Now, this is where I definitely disagree. It's so easy for me to use
> mod_perl authentication (especially using C::A::P::Dispatch). You can be
> as granular or as top-level as you want. I just don't understand the ISP
> argument since root level servers are just $30 a month. That's serveral
> dozen low traffic domains. Or one or two mid level. If you don't want to
> deal with complete machine control, you can have virtual servers
> starting at $15 a month.

Do you have a company you can recommend at the $30/month level? I'd
love to have a mod_perl enabled server. I currently have a webmaster
account with pair.com that is $28/mo. But I'm rather addicted to the
nice admin interface they have for adding domains, mail, etc. I know
it makes me less of a geek but...

> > Crud checking at the entity being viewed/updated/ for the user since this
> > allows you to re-use the rm code and html template code. E.g. a user can
> > change their own address details but not others, even though they may be
> > able to see them.  Think of a user directory kind of thing.
> Going back the question above about rm-level auth. If you abstract your
> CRUD functions to your DAO (Class::DBI, etc) then having you can still
> reuse the majority of the code and templates.

I'm going to disagree here. Going back to Owain's example, I don't
want a user to edit someone else's profile. Or maybe I don't even want
to show the edit form in the first place. Perhaps I'll show the
display version instead. Pushing that functionality down into CDBI
seems inappropriate. I might have checks in my CDBI model to prevent
accidental screwups to be paranoid, but you also need the information
on the application level so it can determine if a screen is
appropriate for a given user.

 Drew Taylor                 *  Web development & consulting
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  Site implementation & hosting
 Web  : www.drewtaylor.com   *  perl/mod_perl/DBI/mysql/postgres

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