From: "Andrew Brosnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Just speaking generally about OO, I always figure it's dangerous to
monkey with the object's underlying data structure. Might it change in
the future? Who knows.

I agree with that if I'm acessing C::A's underlying data structure. What I'm
getting at is why does C::A force its underlying data structure upon me?
Shouldn't I be able to access $self any way I want? Shouldn't there be a way
to prevent me from stepping on C::A's data structure without forcing me to
use its "param" method to get access to $self?

My whole point is that I don't want to make assumptions about C::A's data
structure. I don't want to know anything about it. But, I think I should
have access to $self without having to use C::A's "param" method (to store
my own instance variables) just to avoid C::A's data structure. It seems
like I have to know more about it than I want. Wouldn't the problem be
solved if C::A's variables were prefixed in such a way that, as long as I
don't use that prefix, I wouldn't have to bother myself with C::A's "param"
method? (If that's the only point of "param").


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