Michael Graham wrote:
> Timothy Appnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm realizing that I may have jumped to the conclusion that we are
>>working with CGI::Application::Dispatch as opposed to starting over.
>>Does anyone disagree with building on what CGI::Application::Dispatch
>>has established?
> CGI::Application::Dispatch has a very central namespace, and it would be
> good if the community-endorsed "next generation" dispatcher could use
> it.

I agree.

> However, what we are suggesting is quite different from what
> CGI::Application::Dispatch currently does.  It's similar in spirit, but
> in implementation, there are lots of little details that differ.
> I'm worried that the documentation becomes very confusing because the
> old terminology and new terminolgy are similar, even though the
> implentation is different. E.g.:
>    %TABLE is used to map specific URLs to specific modules.
>    @DISPATCH is a new system for mapping URL-rules to specific modules.
> A user familiar with the old system will understand this.  A new user
> will be totally confused.
> And you can't leave the old behaviour undocumented, because people are
> still using it and they'll want to look up stuff in the docs.

I'm not so sure this would be a problem. I think we can document both approaches
and note that the old one is deprecated (like D::FV does). Put the newer
approach in all examples, but leave the older stuff there, maybe in a different

> So some options are:
>   * Use a different namespace for the new system (e.g. CA::URLMaps,
>     CA::Routes, CA::Launcher, CA::StartMeUp etc.)

Dispatch is a much better name though :)

>   * Put all the old docs in CA::Dispatch::COMPAT.pod, but leave all the
>     old features turned on for backwards compatiblity.

Right now I'm inclined to do something like this, even if I don't split it out
into it's own separate pod file.

>   * Do something as Rob suggests with a pluggable dispatch architecture.
>     In this case CA::Dispatch would probably become
>     CA::Plugin::Dispatch, anyway.

But C::A::D can't really be plugin since it sit's outside of C::A. Especially in
mod_perl where it becomes you PerlHandler. It doesn't add anything to C::A, it
just handles the mapping of URL to module/rm.

That said, the new approach would be a mixture of both. C::A::D would still need
to sit outside of C::A, but there would need to be another module (or maybe just
a different usage of C::A::D) that acts as a plugin to add the uri_for() and
link_to() methods to C::A

My preference would be to keep all the old features of C::A::D but point people
to ways of accomplishing the same thing with the "new-way". Maybe even make the
"old-way" work behind the scenes by using the "new-way". I'm kinda busy right
now, but I have something in my head. If I get some time today or tomorrow, I'll
write it up the API and see what others think.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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