I have a two forms. One on the initial main page and another to input tasks. The form on the main page gets validated correctly. I use the same "code" with the second except the fields to validate and it comes back with a blank page when I try to validate it.

Any idea looking at this, what the problem might be:

sub validate_main_form : Runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $results, $err_page ) = $self->check_rm('show_main_page',
            required => [qw/user_name/],
            filters  => ['trim'],
            msgs     => {
                any_errors => 'err__',
                prefix => 'err_',

    return $err_page if $err_page;

    $self->header_props( -url=>'index.cgi?rm=show_task_page');

sub validate_task_form : Runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $results, $err_page ) = $self->check_rm('show_task_page',
required => [qw/charge_id project_name task_name task_date total_hours/],
            filters  => ['trim'],
            msgs     => {
                any_errors => 'err__',
                prefix => 'err_',

    return $err_page if $err_page;

    $self->header_props( -url=>'index.cgi');

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