There are lots of people that want to help you, but you have to give
them the tools to do so.

I think I will give up for today...

Give it another try, and send us the actual code.  It may just be a
silly little mistake like a typo that just needs another pair of eyes
to spot (you are using strict and warnings right?).

I always use "strict" and "warnings".  :-)

I am sorry I was posting too much with so little. Frustration and not being sure how much code I should throw up onto the list I guess.

Anyway, the fix was the comments for the js I was using. I needed to leave the embedded author comments between the script tags for the js to work. So when I created the page, I move that info into a credits file (because I like clean code) and when the js didn't find the comments it stopped the rendering. I added the comments back in and ta-da the template with the validation works.

Stupid me but it was your "give it another try" that made me look again.

Thanks for that.


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