Ron Savage writes:
 > [...]
 > Local::Application is a sub-class of CGI::Application but I was using 
 > CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server as stated. The docs need a patch on 
 > that one.

Are you using CGI::Application::Dispatch at all?

If not, then you should use CGI::Application::Server with your
Local::Application class.

If you are using CGI::Application::Dispatch to map incoming requests
to runmodes, then you should use CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server
and the class name that you give it should be your subclass of
CGI::Application::Dispatch (e.g. Local::Application::Dispatch), not
the application itself.

 > After great pain trying to install Test::WWW::Mechanize (It causes Perl 
 > to abort and the script driving the install to loop, which causes Perl 
 > to abort, which....) I changed my demo.

This seems to be a separate issue from the above.
Test::WWW::Mechanize isn't a prereq for
CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server, so it's absence shouldn't have
tanked you.

What does your test harness have to do with making a stand alone
server work?

 > But now my demo causes FireFox to hang, with its 'Loading' msg and the 
 > icon spinning. Sigh. Time to give up, again.
 > But thanx for replying.

Well, first, don't give up.

Second, give us some information so that we can help.  What have you
made work?  Can you get a very simple app to run?


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