Dan Horne wrote:
> Michael Peters wrote:
>> Just saying something is copyrighted doesn't make it so :)
> Er, assuming you're that actual author, why not?

I'm not a lawyer (would I be hanging out here if I was :) and it has been some
years since my last copyright law class at the university (so please correct me
if I'm wrong) but here goes...

Actual copyright registration means something different then the automatic
copyright rights provided by the Berne Convention (which basically took effect
in 1989 in the US). Putting a "(C) 2008" on something is supposed to mean that
you've officially registered the copyright with the appropriate government
office. And then the year is the year the work was completed. If it's something
that you wrote in 2007 it's misleading (and probably "wrong" in some way) to say
"(C) 2008". In fact, lying about the copyright date on something you wrote could
probably lose you some points with a judge if you actually have to go to court.

Since some copyright protections are automatic the reason you register is to
make it easier to enforce monetary damages. Putting "(C) 2008" one something
does not give you any extra legal protection or enforcement possibilities, so
why do it?

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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