
I'm looking at CGI::Application prior to use, and one thing is unclear to me.

I'll outline a little senario to demonstrate the question:

I have a simple app with four run modes - list, view, edit & update

list does what it say on the tin - lists records in a data table

view ditto, displays a single record

edit displays a form to edit (or add) a record

update sends the posted data to the database

In my example, I would like the update run mode to then call the view
run mode, rather then simply display a rather useless 'update
complete' message.

Is there a good way to do this with CA?  I  suppose a simple option is
to simply have update() call view() and return the results, but I
wondered if there was a preferred solution to this?

Another thought that occurred from scanning the docs would be to put
the update function in prerun, but this seems wrong somehow.

Thanks for any assistance,


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