I've just come back to this thread as I'm just about to alter the
session handling in tha app that I'm working on.  It currently uses
the url method, which I plan to replace.

I'm struggling to accept the form method, because as you say no more
<a href="myapp.cgi?rm=next"> - unless of course we use javascript.

Now I like the old links, so cookies seems like a no brainer to me.
Can anyone explain why the form method is better and how you implement

Mike Tonks
Developer - BookBank.com

On 08/02/2008, Michael Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stephen Carville wrote:
>  > Seems to me it makes more sense to embed the session ID or any other
>  > tracking as hidden variables in a form and send it back as a POST.
> This assumes then that every request you make is now a post request. Which 
> means
>  not more <a> links, just forms. And this also breaks REST style apps (and 
> really
>  anything that tries to have meaningful HTTP semantics) since POST requests 
> are
>  for things that could change the data server-side and GET requests are for
>  anything that won't (idempotent). In this day and age you really have to 
> expect
>  your users to use cookies. I can understand people not wanting to be tracked
>  long term, but why should anyone object to memory-only cookies?
>  --
> Michael Peters
>  Developer
>  Plus Three, LP

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