Cees Hek writes:
 > On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Mike. G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Hi, list
 > > I got one issue when I use the plugin CGI::Application::Plugin::Session
 > >
 > **SNIP**
 > >
 > >        COOKIE_PARAMS => {
 > >        -domain => $this->cfg('site_domain'),
 > >        -expires=>'+40m',
 > >        -path=>'/',
 > >        -secure=>1,
 > >        },
 > >
 > >    );
 > >
 > **SNIP**
 > >
 > > *when I refresh that script, we always got the difference session id, why?*
 > Hi Mike,
 > That is usually due to a cookie problem. [...]

In addition to what Cees mentioned, you might need to double check
that the system clock on the server is correct.


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