Hi Folks I'm using YUI (Yahoo User Interface) to display JSON data hard-coded in the web page. But when I send the data from my CGI::App, it is not displayed. Here's the core Javascript:
var json_data = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource ( {results: [ {name: "Ron Savage", email: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", phone: "0"}, {name: "Zoe Savage", email: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", phone: "9"} ] } ); If I replace the above with this, where o.responseText is returned from the server via Ajax: json_data = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(o.responseText); the datasource displays "No records found.". The Perl code on the server is: return encode_json {results => [map { {email => $$_{'email'}, name => $$_{'name'}, phone => $$_{'phone'} } } @people]}; Any ideas? -- Ron Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://savage.net.au/index.html ##### CGI::Application community mailing list ################ ## ## ## To unsubscribe, or change your message delivery options, ## ## visit: http://www.erlbaum.net/mailman/listinfo/cgiapp ## ## ## ## Web archive: http://www.erlbaum.net/pipermail/cgiapp/ ## ## Wiki: http://cgiapp.erlbaum.net/ ## ## ## ################################################################