Mark Stosberg wrote:
On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:11:34 +0200
Rhesa Rozendaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mike Tonks wrote:
Hi All,

I recently encountered the dreaded utf8 funny characters, again.  This
time on the input data coming from form entry fields.

Here's what I use:

>>          my $might_decode = sub {
>>              my $p = shift;
>>              return ( !$p || ( ref $p && fileno($p) ) )
>>                  ? $p
>>                  : eval { decode_utf8($p) } || $p;
>>          };

That looks useful, Rhesa.

Is there a variation of it that makes sense to submit as patch for

I hadn't considered that. The more recent "-utf8" looks like it does the same thing:

# in CGI->param
  my @result = @{$self->{param}{$name}};

  if ($PARAM_UTF8) {
eval "require Encode; 1;" unless Encode->can('decode'); # bring in these functions
    @result = map {ref $_ ? $_ : Encode::decode(utf8=>$_) } @result;

The only differences I can see is that
* I don't try to decode false values
* I do try to decode values that are references, but not filenos
* I wrap the decode in an eval

I have a hard time imagining the first two would break Mike's code, but he said it didn't work for him. Would it have been the lack of eval?


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