Hi Mark

On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 21:03 -0500, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> > In the AUTOLOAD sub I think it is making a circular reference to the 
> > CGIApp object ($c) since the sub creates a closure which is stored 
> > inside of $c for the runmodes.
> > 
> > If inside that sub reference I add 'my $c = shift;' first the problem 
> > goes away, but I am not sure if that breaks the plugin at all since I do 
> > not use it.
> Thanks to Bradley's report, I have now uploaded 1.20 of the ErrorPage
> plugin, which makes the change he recommends. 


> I'm less sure about what to do about DebugScreen using a global DIE
> handler.  (And I don't maintain it, either). 
> I'm not sure really a problem, either, especially as a tool meant to
> only be enabled for debugging.

A warning in the docs about using sig handlers? I'll add something.

> I didn't mean to say that there was a regular bug in CGI::Session, but
> more that I consider the inclusion of autoflushing a design flaw,
> because it leads to hard to track down problems where the symptom is
> that flushing isn't happening but the cause is a circular reference
> issue in some third-party module. 

Ah, OK.

> Explicit flushing makes it clear what is happening and cannot trigger
> this.


Ron Savage

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