Jason Purdy wrote:
This is when CGI::Application::Dispatch helps out, tremendously. Once you set it up, the action in your case translates to the runmode along with optional parameters.


Yes, sorry, should have said I'm using Dispatch, but it's not always helpful, as I have some rules that mean /myapp/foo/do_stuff points to the do_stuff() method in Foo.pm, but /myapp/admin/bar/do_stuff points to do_stuff() in Admin::Bar.pm not Admin.pm. So setting debug => 1 in Dispatch gives me "app = foo" in the 1st example - that's OK. But in the second, "app = bar", whereas I want to capture 'admin'.

And runmode is not actually what I'm after, eg default(), do_stuff() are all runmodes of Foo.pm, and it's 'foo' I'm after, as in <http://localhost/myapp/foo>.

Have solved it (I think) in the template using c.query.path_info, as in:

[% FOREACH action_links # hash defined previously %]
<a href="[% c.query.url %]/[% link %]"
  [% IF c.query.path_info.match('^/' _ link) %]id="selected"[% END %]>
  [% label %]</a>
[% END %]
Richard Jones

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