I am writing a "make my life easier by letting users do some things
for themselves" program but I cannot get a redirect to work after

Not all functions require a login so those that do issue a redirect to
bring up a login page.  For example if the user selects View Person
Information the URL looks like:


If there is no logged in session it redirects to:


So far, so good...

After entering a user name and password the form posts to:


with parms:

user = username
pass = password
rm = authcheck
orm = vpi
button = (Cancel or Login)

If the user Cancels, the program sucessfully redirects back to beginning:


Otherwise, after some sanity checks, authcheck authenticates against
the Kerberos KDC using Authen::Krb5::Simple.  It then sets


and attempts to redirct to the orginally requested page:


For some reason the redirect does not happen.

As near as I can tell from /server-status and the logs the process is
finishing correctly.  If I back up a couple of times within the time
out period and try the request again, it shows me the Personal
Information page.

If I look at the cgisess_ file before the second request:

$D = {'_SESSION_ID' => 'd6ee9a9550e40dbff06fca6e64639c16','logged-in'
=> 1,'_SESSION_ATIME' => 1230325867,'_SESSION_EXPIRE_LIST' =>
{'logged-in' => 600},'_SESSION_REMOTE_ADDR' =>
'','username' => 'ttest','_SESSION_CTIME' =>

So I think it safe to assume that $self->session-flush() in teardown()
is being called sucessfully.

Any idea what i am doing wrong?

I am using CGI::Application with perl, v5.8.8 built for
i386-linux-thread-multi and:


Stephen Carville

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