Just tried under ActiveState 5.8.8build 819 under Windows XP and all worked just fine:

C:\cgiapp-test>cgiapp-starter.bat --module=IBK --author="Richard Noble" --email=
"rpno...@ibksoftware.com" --verbose
Created IBK
Created IBK\lib
Created IBK\lib\IBK.pm
Created IBK\t
Created IBK\t\pod-coverage.t
Created IBK\t\pod.t
Created IBK\t\test-app.t
Created IBK\t\01-load.t
Created IBK\t\perl-critic.t
Created IBK\t\boilerplate.t
Created IBK\t\00-signature.t
Created IBK\t\www
Created IBK\lib\IBK\templates
Created IBK\lib\IBK\templates\runmode1.html
Created IBK\Makefile.PL
Created IBK\Changes
Created IBK\t\perlcriticrc
Created IBK\server.pl
Created starter directories and files

No files had 0 byte length and all opend in my editor

Mark Stosberg wrote:
We could use some help testing and repairing Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp
on Windows.

The latest from the bug report is here. You can click through
to the report for more details, or just try installing it on Windows
and debug from there.



<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=41275 >

Well I finally did upload.  0.07 should arrive on CPAN as we speak.  The
trouble is on my Windows XP test box with ActiveState perl 5.10 it is
failing in a  bizarre way.  It can't seem to find its template
directory. which results in files being created 0 length or not at all. But the template directory does exist. Some weird permissions problem? unfortunately its out of my league. (Everything works perfectly on
Linux of course.)  So I am not closing this bug report until I get a
second opinion.

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Richard Noble
IBK Software
T: 646-827-4337
F: 646-536-3180
C: 917-642-9850

419 West 154 Street
New York, NY 10032

This e-mail is IBK Software confidential and may not be redistributed without permission of IBK Software.

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