Hi Mark

On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 23:58 -0500, Mark Rajcok wrote:
> My 2 cents about the CGI-App wiki.
> I recently halted development on my app to learn about Unicode and UTF-8
> (and I guess I also ended up learning about character encodings in general
> -- wow, did I miss some important training somewhere in my past).
> As usual, I found many good discussions in the CGI-App mail archive (thank
> you all) but nothing on the wiki.  I decided I would spend a few hours and
> put a summary together of what I learned.  I decided against putting it on
> the CGI-App wiki for the following reasons (i.e., lack of features):
> 1. no automatic table of contents generation (visit
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl_Programming/Unicode_UTF-8 and you'll see
> why this was important)

Wow. V-e-r-y impressive.

> 2. no ability to edit small sections of a page
> Some other nice features about wikibooks
> - source code highlighting
> - discussion page
> (I did put a link on the CGI-App wiki to the Wikibooks doc, so if someone
> searches for Unicode or UTF-8, something will show up.)
> I don't think we should write a CGI-App-based wiki for the following
> reasons:

I agree, for them same reasons.

Ron Savage

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