A while back I attempted working with CAPRoutes, but failed. Today I
decided to revisit it, and failed again. In fact, I am failing at
getting the simplest possible application running with it, and I am
wondering -- either I am completely clueless about how this is
supposed to work, or this module is just not what it claims to be. I
will go with the former assumption, and ask for the list's help here.

My app script is a simple

use App;

my $w = App->new(
    TMPL_PATH => "/Sites/app/_tmpl",
    PARAMS    => {

in my App.pm package, I have

sub setup {
    my $self = shift;

        'foo/:page?' => 'foo',
        '/:page?'      => 'foo',
        ''                => 'foo',
        'bar/:page'   => 'bar',
        'baz/:page'  => 'baz',

    $self->tmpl_path( '/Sites/app/_tmpl' );

Ok. Here is all that goes wrong --

1. Why do I need to provide $self->tmpl_path( '/Sites/app/_tmpl' ); in
my App.pm even though I have TMPL_PATH => "/Sites/app/_tmpl", in my
app.cgi? (this is not a CAPRoutes specific question). If I comment out
$self->tmpl_path, the script errors out. If that is what is needed,
then why even give me the option of declaring TMPL_PATH in my app.cgi?

2. I have CAPRoutes 1.02. If I do a simple 'my $debug =
$self->routes_dbg;' in a run mode in my App.pm, the script dies with
the error that "Undefined subroutine
&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::Dumper called at
line 49." Line 48, 49 happen to be

require Data::Dumper;
return Dumper($self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__r_params'});

If I replace 'require Data::Dumper' with 'use Data::Dumper' the error
goes away, but nothing is dumped out. The
$self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__r_params'} var is completely

3. Finally, CAPRoutes doesn't seem to match any routes at all. No
matter what my path_info, it always defaults to the start mode 'foo'.

So, please, please let me be the clueless one here and set me right,
otherwise, it will be baffling how a module that doesn't work at all
got onto CPAN.

Many thanks,

Puneet Kishor

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