
   I see that CAPAuthentication will let you install multiple drivers.  
Can one install multiple instances of the same driver, only with
different parameters?

   Here's my situation:  My business has three locations - let's call them
locA,locB,locC.  The database for each location has a "users" table
which contains usernames, MD5 passwords, and a constellation of
permissions for each user.

  There is also a global "users" table.  Its structure is exactly the same
as the users tables for the individual locations. The permissions in
this table apply to ALL the locations.

  So if user "Bob" appears in the global table and has permission "foo",
then inq_can_foo( "Bob" ) returns TRUE for all the locations.  If, OTOH,
Bob appears in LocA, then  inq_can_foo("Bob") will only return TRUE if
we happen to be in locA's web page.

   I'm thinking that I could register four DBI drivers, one for each
database.  Then the system would just try each "users" table until it
got a match.  I don't think it would scale well, though.  But it would
get things going for now, and with all of the authentication stuff
buried in one or two files, I could easily change it in the future.

   After authentication - for the duration of the session - I would have
to remember which database the user authenticated against, because that
effects the permissions.

                                - Jerry Kaidor

p.s.  I have gotten my entire project under Subversion, generated a branch
for this work, and had a great time yesterday removing all the "print"
statements from my HTML-generating code.  Svn's method of doing branches -
just create a separate directory for each one - seems rather hokey - but
as long as it can reliably do merges, I guess I don't care.

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