> Jerry,
> The answer to your title question is yes - you can have multiple DBI
> drivers. There is an example in the main documentation where there are
> two Generic drivers and that should carry across.

*** Yes, I found the example, and coded my stuff up with four DBI drivers.
It seemed quite straightforward.  Haven't tried it yet though.

> However I don't think this will quite do what you want. First of all the
> authentication module does not handle authorization (i.e. permissions).

*** I am going to use my own authorization stuff.  It's there, it works
well.  I already have something like 50 different permissions.  I even have
a command line driven utility for adding permissions - it modifies the
database and the perl code.

  As for not remembering which driver authenticated - I'm looking at the
source of CAP:Auth to see about adding it.  I would add an individual name
to each driver, passed at setup(), a variable to hold it, and a method
to get it.  Plus something in my application to yell out if I should
inadvertently upgrade CAP::Auth from my modified version to a new improved
main line one without the feature :).

                            - Jerry

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