Hi Folks

Thinking more about this.

One factor is that being a contractor means moving to different jobs,
which means different data, which in turns means different users and
their expectations.

So, it's good to be familiar with a range of validators, so as to be
able to tailor the output to those users' requirements.

For instance, one job (of mine) was radar results from firing the radar
into the ground from an aeroplane (mining context), taken from Star Wars
technology for firing radar into the sea, looking for Russian subs. In
both cases, the aim is to detect a lump of metal.

Another job was the configuration data of 15,000 network routers.

Clearly, the users change just as the data changes.

So, the nature of the output (eg error msgs) must change too.

Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622

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