
I'm hoping to do some web development using perl and from my google
searches, CGI::Application seems like a good option.
My knowledge of perl is about 20 years of using perl one-liners to work with
files/file-contents, never any heavy work.

The web app I'm hoping to develop needs to handle user authentication and
database access only. I'm hoping to all the front end work with jquery with
absolutely no html work in perl.

If someone had the time and the inclination I'd appreciate some guidance in
my choice. Specifically, I'd love it for someone to help me walk through
Mark Rajcok's tutorial (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd363fg9_77gb4hdh7b)
which looks as though it would be an excellent starting point for my

I'm happy to pay for this help if required and would be willing to handover
€25/hour for 2 * 1 hour sessions. I think that should be enough for me to
understand if CGI::Application is the right path to choose and if I am the
right person to take that path.

Best regards / Colm

Carbon Tracking Ltd.
Telephone : +353 87 629 5679

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