Hi gvim

On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 20:28 +0100, gvim wrote:
> On 24/05/2011 19:08, Joshua Miller wrote:
> >
> > Completely agree and second this. If you have a choice of FastCGI or
> > CGI, just go FastCGI. If you're concerned about the differences in
> > memory usage and such, you're free to benchmark them, but I can
> > assure you that, under any load at all, FastCGI can serve more pages
> > using less memory and cpu time.
> >
> I just deployed the same app under CGI::Application::PSGI/nginx/Starman and 
> I'm getting a weird error which is very difficult to debug. The app will run 
> fine returning a results page from a database lookup but if hit the Back 
> button and resubmit it will continue successfully for between 5 and 10 
> repetitions then fail on one of the app's error handlers for a for field 
> having too many characters. So nginx has proxied successfully and Starman 
> returns 200 but it's failing unpredictably.
> I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I used a proxy_pass nginx 
> setting rather than a fastcgi_pass setting.

This is a completely different topic. You should have started a new

I don't run Apache anymore. I run nginx and proxy cgi-bin/ to
mini-httpd. A 'weird error' won't be in those programs, it'll be in your
code, no matter how hard you find that to believe :-))).

It's a classic symptom of using a global variable(s), although (of
course) it could be something else.

Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622

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