On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:58 PM, David Kaufman <da...@gigawatt.com> wrote:

>> Are there any open source CGI::Application based usable applications out 
>> there?

Some of you might have read my recent blog post about "world domination".

The idea is that I am planning to enlarge the "Padre on Strawberry
Perl" distribution
to include both developer tool and applications that end users might
be interested in.

Either for running off that machine or for at least testing them out.
So a wiki or a blog
engine or some other application might be interesting.

The requirements are
- runs on Windows   (obviously as the package is for Windows)
- can work with SQLite or without a database
  (at this point I don't plan to distribute MySQL or PostgreSQL)
- can work with some perl based web server that I can include

There might be other requirements I have not thought of.

anyway, I keep looking around.

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