I used CGI::Application for a personal project many years ago and
liked it, but had to stay with my own homegrown framework for my
projects at work, given the investment involved.

But I now have a chance to start a project with a clean sheet of
paper, so I'm shopping for a framework to implement some simple
web services using REST.  I looked at Dancer2 and it is nice and
all, although perhaps a bit more magic than I am comfortable
with.  In contrast C:A looks more like an old friend.  Speaking
as someone who is also, ahem, mature, I don't see that as a bad
thing in a coding platform.

CAP:REST also looks promising, so I was wondering if anybody is
currently using it?

While I'm not a fan of XML, I want to support it for
completeness.  It's a mild disappointment that there isn't
already a C:A module for that, but I'm guessing it shouldn't be
too hard to add.


or http://tinyurl.com/nokhwfj


=====================================[ bill.co...@unh.edu ]==
  Bill Costa
  1 Leavitt Lane
  UNH IT -- 1st Floor
  University of New Hampshire
  Durham, NH  03824
  Voice: +1-603-862-3056
  No good deed... Goes unpunished.
===========================[ http://pubpages.unh.edu/~wfc ]==

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