On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:28 PM, John Keeping <j...@keeping.me.uk> wrote:
> I really can't see this being sensible without moving to libgit2.  As
> long as we stick with libgit.a then we need to fork for each request so
> I'm not sure there's much benefit to supporting FastCGI without moving
> to something that lets us free resources when we're done processing a
> request.

The advantage would be not having to reparse the config and scan for
repos on every.single.solitary.request.

> I'd like to get "new graph implementation" into this list - it's come up
> on the list twice in the last 24 hours!  That doesn't mean I'm claiming
> the task though ;-)

That's what I forgot!

+ new graph implementation
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