On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 10:51:09AM +0100, Pablo Rauzy wrote:
> Hello again, and thanks for your quick response.
> On 2015-03-05, John Keeping wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 09:22:55AM +0100, Pablo Rauzy wrote:
> >> My first question is about sections.
> >> I would like to be able to add a title and a little description for each
> >> section, just like I can with the cgit.desc configuration for each the
> >> git repos.
> >> 
> >> Example : http://clandest.in/sensi
> >> Here I would like the title to be "clandest.in / sensi" rather than just
> >> "clandest.in", and I would like the description to be "SEN Security
> >> Inspector" rather than the root description.
> >
> > Are you currently using "section-from-path"?  If you use the
> > "repo.section" configuration option then you can name the sections
> > however you want, but this is not possible if you are generating the
> > sections automatically.
> Indeed I am using section-from-path, but the name of the sections are
> just fine.
> What I was looking for is the possibility to for instance make cgit
> using a file called "description" in the directory that it makes a
> section as description of that section.

I don't think this has ever been supported.

I hadn't realised that http://clandest.in/sensi wasn't the root of the
repository.  CGit doesn't generate any links to the section pages so I'm
not sure much thought has gone into the formatting of those pages.

> > If you're combining CGit with Gitolite you may be able to avoid listing
> > repositories twice by using CGit's "enable-git-config" option to
> > configure the "repo.section" variable (I'm not sure if you can set a
> > config variable on a group of repositories in Gitolite, but I think you
> > should be able to).
> I'm not using Gitolite.
> >> My second question is about repository.
> >> I would like to add title and a link to a project home page somewhere
> >> else than on the logo.
> >> 
> >> Example : http://clandest.in/sensi/finja
> >> Here I would like the title to be "clandest.in / sensi / finja" rather
> >> than "index : finja", and I would like to add a tab "homepage" after
> >> "diff" which would link to http://pablo.rauzy.name/sensi/finja.html in
> >> this example.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Is what I'm looking for already possible? If yes, how? If not, I think
> >> it would be a nice addition.
> >
> > I don't think this is currently possible.  Note that the word "index" is
> > actually a link to the list of repositories.
> Yes I noticed that, but I find it less nice than having the root-title
> for the link.
> > For the "homepage" link, have you considered simply adding a link to the
> > repository's readme (on the about tab)?  I thought there was a way to
> > make the "about" tab the default instead of the "summary" tab, but I
> > can't find it when I go looking so I must be wrong about that.
> That is exactly what I did for now. Maybe it is enough. I'll see with
> the time how much I like it this way :).
> FWIW, here is the filter I wrote to make link clickable in plaintext
> READMEs: http://paste.fulltxt.net/LKdVjbHaY (it is quick and dirty, it
> simply considers that anything between < and > and starting with "http"
> is a link).

Note that there is a collection of scripts in the "filters" directory
that will handle Markdown, ReStructuredText and a variety of other
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