On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 11:12:08PM +0100, MonkZ wrote:
> As i have my cgit + uwsgi + nginx + gitolite setup in a LXD container, i
> can publish it.
> Would this be helpful?

Probably not necessary - I had another look at your config file and I
realised that almost every "readme" line has a trailing space.  The CGit
configfile parser strips whitespace around the "=" character but does
not strip trailing whitespace.

Strangely the rest of the lines in the file do not have any trailing
spaces and the line "readme=:install" doesn't but all the rest do (try
"cat -E cgitrc" to show this).

> Am 18.02.2017 um 17:57 schrieb John Keeping:
> > On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 11:19:09PM +0100, MonkZ wrote:
> >> i'm using cgit 1.1 and trying to configure a global list of possible
> >> readme files (see attachment), but all i can get to work are
> >> "cgit.readme" entries in git-config files.
> >>
> >> I would expect, that this list would be active until a repo config or
> >> git-config comes around to overwrite it.
> > 
> > I can't see anything wrong with your config, and I have just tried
> > something similar here and it seems to work.
> > 
> > Having looked at the code, one small subtlety is that if there is a
> > repository-specific readme configuration it overrides the default list
> > rather than appending to it, but if you don't have any repository
> > configuration then the list in cgitrc should be used.
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