---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gaetano Borriello <gaet...@cs.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 08:46
Subject: [Cse590f] REMINDER: CSE477 Demos/Posters  (today 12:30-3:30)
To: faculty - Mailing List <faculty at cs.washington.edu>, cse590f -
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Our "Technology for Low-Income Regions" will have a poster session
with live demos in the Commons (colloquium-style refreshments will be
served) from 12:30 to 3:30 today.

Please join us to see how far the projects have come along and provide
feedback and encouragement to the students.

Feel free to forward this to others who you feel may be interested.

I'm appending a short summary of the projects below.



?  Empowering Artists

Empower Artists has teamed up with SIFE, a Heritage University group,
to allow artisans in remote regions to sell their art to the world. We
will offer a field kit that universities can use to record information
on local art and create product listings on our e-commerce website.
This site will provide artists with access to a wider range of
customers and a chance for increased compensation. By focusing on
artists' personal stories, we hope to foster a relationship between
artist and customer that will lend insight and meaning to each piece
of art.
H?l?ne Martin, Dana Wen, Katie Neuser, Alex Loddengaard, Jim George, Max Aller

?  *bus (Starbus)

*bus is a project that aims to provide reliable transportation in
Kyrgyzstan by providing riders with reliable bus route data.
Currently, riders in Kyrgyzstan have no idea when their buses will
arrive and may have to wait for long periods of time. With the *bus
system, buses in Kyrgyzstan will have a GPS module installed that
relays location information over SMS to a central server. Riders can
then use SMS to query where their buses are and when they are expected
to arrive at a certain location.
Martin Hecko, Caitlin Lustig, Naasir Ramji, Jordan Walke

?  OLPC Presenter

The OLPC Presenter is an extension of the Classroom Presenter tool
that will enable students and teachers to collaboratively present
information using XO laptops in a classroom setting.  Teachers use
Classroom Presenter to create or load a slide deck on the XO as part
of a collaborative lesson plan.  The slides are distributed to each
student's XO.  Each student can make notes and changes to the slides
by adding digital ink.  Students can then submit their changes to the
teacher, and the teacher can present submissions to the class for
Will Burnside, Mathias Klous, Brian Mayton, Kristofer Plunkett

?  CommCare

CommCare is a project to aid community Health Workers (CHWs), who are
the first--and often only--medical professionals that people see in
rural areas of low-income countries. People living in extreme poverty
often delay seeking care until it is too late for them to be helped.
CHWs make house hold visits to provide very basic care. However, for
CHWs to provide effective care, they must keep track of a great deal
of information, from patient records to remembering follow up visits.
CommCare is software that we are developing to run on mobile phones to
aid CHWs with planning and performing their job.
Laura Pina, Erik Turnquist

?  AIR+

The purpose of this project is to promote gender equality in
developing countries by enhacing women's ability to have their voices
heard on the air. Through AIR (Advanced Interactive Radio ? conceived
by Revi Sterling at the University of Colorado), women can record
their voices in a sound clip and potentially have the message
broadcast when it reaches the local radio station. AIR+ seeks to
extend the current implementation by allowing women to create "virtual
radio stations" on various topics and thereby avoid issues of
Remington Furman, Fabian Kidarsa, Kristin Lee, Zachary, Wachtveitl, Brian Wolfe

?  MySMS

MySMS is a development framework to allow cellphones to easily
interface with a remote database via SMS messages.  Because SMS is a
ubiquitous protocol, it is our hope that MySMS will serve as a
catalyst for the creation of connected applications in developing
regions.  MySMS could serve as the underlying structure for
applications in areas such as precision farming, health care,
commerce, and microfinance.
Brad Campbell, Ruibo Li, Anthony Poon, David St.Hilaire

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