pdf and description attached below of Tej, sent from the Nokia rep in the
W3C MW4D group.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <lauri.k.hirvo...@nokia.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:01 PM
Subject: The new Nokia Tej -service in India...
To: Lauri.K.Hirvonen at nokia.com, boyera at w3.org, public-mw4d at w3.org

The new Nokia Tej -service in India

I'll like to share with you the new project done by Nokia
in India to stimulate businesses with mobile phones.
This Tej -project has good results.

Here is the top-level-summary on Tej:

Service description

Nokia Tej is a mobile order management service that makes
communication-intensive business processes more efficient. The service
enables you to access order and related information via mobile phone or
computer. Thus, you can reduce the amount of paper work and improve the flow
of communication within your business network.

Hosted Service

You can trust that your business data is always protected and you and your
defined partners within your business network can access all relevant data
safely at all times, even when you need to change your mobile phone or

Invite your partners

The invitation functionality is what really makes Nokia Tej special.
Defining the business network is easy. You start by inviting your first
level partners, who then invite second level partners to the network. And
once you have added your product information, your business partners can use
it to place orders.

The invitation functionality also effectively turns Nokia Tej into a
directory service, offering access to new business partners and potentially
new business.

And attached is the PowerPoint 17 slides presentation of Nokia Tej.

Br. Lauri
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