---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lindsay Michimoto <linds...@cs.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 14:38
Subject: [Cs-grads] FW: [Faculty] Peace Corps College of Engineering Class
To: cs-grads at cs.washington.edu

*From:* faculty-admin at cs.washington.edu [mailto:
faculty-admin at cs.washington.edu] *On Behalf Of *Andrea Perkins
*Sent:* Monday, October 03, 2011 12:57 PM
*To:* 'faculty at engr.washington.edu' (faculty at engr.washington.edu)
*Subject:* [Faculty] Peace Corps College of Engineering Class Presentations


My name is Phil Hayes and I am the new Peace Corps UW Campus Representative
and also am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Morocco 08-10). I was hoping
to have an opportunity to let your students know about opportunities to work
internationally with the Peace Corps.  The best way we've found to target
students has been through short presentations. Myself and a Seattle Regional
Recruiter will be doing class presentations on campus from Oct 18th-20th.
These will only take about 5-10 minutes and will consist of a general
overview of Peace Corps, what we do and where we are, and also the benefits
of serving. These short presentations can take place at the beginning or end
of class, whichever is most convenient.

We are currently in *much* need of internationally minded applicants with a
background in engineering who have an interest in living and working in the
developing world. Throughout Peace Corps? 50 year history the University of
Washington has been a strong source for quality volunteers. We are hoping to
continue that legacy.

If you are interested in having me come and speak with your class(es) please
contact me directly.  Thank you for your consideration and support and I
look forward to hearing from you.

Additionally, there is an amazing event happening on campus this Tuesday Oct
4th where over 25 people from all over the world who have worked with Peace
Corps will be doing a presentation on international volunteerism. All are
welcome to attend.

Thank You!

* *

*Phil Hayes  ?  Campus Recruiter  ?  University of Washington
Career Services Center, 134 Mary Gates Hall, Box 352810 *

*Seattle, WA 98195-2810 *

*Direct 206-616-5801*

*Peace Corps Volunteer Morocco '08-'10*

*Follow the Peace Corps online:*

[image: Description: Description:
cid:image001.gif at 01CA5894.3681C9C0]<http://www.peacecorps.gov/?cid=sro_sig>
 [image: Description: Description:
cid:image001.jpg at 01CA53CC.EF1BC9D0]<http://www.facebook.com/peacecorps>
 [image: Description: Description:
cid:image002.jpg at 01CA53CC.EF1BC9D0]<http://twitter.com/peacecorps>
 [image: Description: Description: See full size
 [image: Description: Description:
cid:image003.jpg at 01CA53CC.EF1BC9D0]<http://www.youtube.com/peacecorps>
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