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From: Jan H. Spyridakis <ja...@u.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 10:36 AM
Subject: [dub] HCDE 521, October 31 - Kate Starbird


Please come and hear HCDE Assistant Professor Kate Starbird present at
the HCDE Autumn Seminar Series (HCDE 521) Wednesday, October 31 from
5:00 to 5:50 p.m. in Mary Gates Hall 241 at the University of
Washington. Details of her talk are listed below. More information
about the HCDE 521 seminar series is available online:

Seminar Title: Crowds, Crisis and Convergence: Unpacking
"Crowdsourcing" in the Context of Disaster

Abstract: The potential of connected crowds to solve complex problems
(that neither individuals nor computers can solve alone) has been the
focus of considerable research in recent years across disciplines and
certainly within the HCDE field. Though there are several perspectives
for approaching crowd work, “crowdsourcing” has become a popular,
umbrella term for the phenomenon. In this talk, I will work unpack the
crowdsourcing term within the context of disaster. In our
hyper-connected world, large-scale disaster events are acting as
catalysts for mass “convergence” online, which functions both to
generate massive volumes of information and to organize that
information. Pulling from multiple studies of crowd work during crisis
events, I will describe how the crowd attempts to solve complex
problems and address gaps in response efforts through digital
volunteerism and other productive crowd work. I will then use these
empirical findings to demonstrate the diversity of crowd work and to
expose what a focus on “crowdsourcing” obscures.

Hope to see you there!

Jan Spyridakis

Jan Spyridakis
Professor and Chair
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering

University of Washington
Box 352315
Seattle, WA 98195
206-685-1557 (fax 206-543-8858)

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