Please share the following information as appropriate:

Sustainability Ambassadors<> is 
seeking a select number of Sustainable Systems Coaches for our 6th Annual 
<> 2050 
Workout<> which will take 
place in Gould Hall on the University of Washington Campus on August 23 from 
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. (It’s a Workout!)

Coaches sign on for just a three hour drill down in the morning block. The 2050 
Workout is sponsored by the UW College of Built Environments. Would your 
business, agency or organization like to co-sponsor this year? Next year?

Expectations for Coaches & FAQ

We are looking for wise mentors who are passionate about systems thinking, 
committed to driving a sustainable future, and fascinated by the art of 
mentoring young people to stretch their thinking about what’s possible... and 

Let us know soon if this might be you or if you can identify an equally cool 
colleague (or grad student?) for whom this experience is a perfect fit. We are 
looking for 2-3 outstanding coaches in each of the following areas of expertise…

In the morning from 9:00-12:00 we divide into the following Sustainable System 
Teams… (which one is your interest and expertise?)

  1.  Integrated Water Systems (supply, wastewater, stormwater, net zero water)
  2.  Clean Energy Systems (conservation, generation, storage)
  3.  Zero Waste and the Circular Economy (green chemistry, product stewardship)
  4.  Green Building Systems (affordable housing, living buildings, 
  5.  Food Systems (production, processing, distribution, access, waste 
  6.  Transportation Systems (TOD, walkability, bikes, buses, rail, freight, EV)

Each of the five systems focus areas is nested in three meta-frameworks.

  *   Equitable Access for All
  *   Climate Solutions
  *   Smart Cities (AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution)

What is my role as a coach?

Commit to attending 9:00-12:00 on August 23 and be ready to support student 
facilitators. Email Peter today!

     *   Share your personal career pathway from high school to current career
     *   Unpack your knowledge and vision for the next three decades
     *   What are the prototypes and potential tipping points?
     *   What might be some of the drivers?
        *   Technical innovation
        *   Creative disruptions
        *   Business models and new market opportunities
        *   City, state or federal policy innovation
        *   Citizen action, participatory democracy, climate justice
        *   Education innovations
     *   Keep the focus positive on what’s possible (not what’s failing or 
falling apart)

Celebrate: Invite your personal and professional networks to the final Public 
Presentation and Great Disruption Debate at 6:30.

Follow Up: Provide feedback on the form, features, felt experience and outcomes.

     *   Explore strengthening a programmatic partnership during the year.
     *   Explore possible job shadow opportunities for selected youth leaders
     *   Plan for the 2050 Workout next Summer

Will you join? Contact:

Peter Donaldson

Sustainability Ambassadors<>



Best regards,

Isabel Carrera Zamanillo
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist
University of Washington
College of the Environment
1492 NE Boat St, Suite 210B
Seattle, WA 98105
P: 206-221-9316 / E:<><>
Diversity and inclusion are guiding principles of the College of the 
Environment. The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish people 
of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands 
within the Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations.
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