We hope to see you tomorrow! This is at 3pm US EST on 11/11.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:55 PM Neha Kumar <neha.ku...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We invite you to the next session of the X4D Talks <http://x4d.org> on 
> *November
> 11th* (use calendar link
> <https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NGlxcGRqYWc1aGJodnJtNjI1MzZsazIyamMgcnIzY25rNzFxaXNmamc2cDk3Y2hoZnJwdm9AZw&tmsrc=rr3cnk71qisfjg6p97chhfrpvo%40group.calendar.google.com>).
> Our speakers include the following:
> *Dr. Ayanna Howard *
> Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech, USA
> *Tackling the Human Bias in AI*
> People tend to overtrust sophisticated computing devices, including AI
> systems. As these systems become more fully interactive with humans during
> the performance of day-to-day activities, the role of bias in these
> human-AI interaction scenarios must be more carefully investigated.  Bias,
> as a feature of human life, has often been encoded in and can manifest
> itself through AI algorithms, which humans then take guidance from,
> resulting in the phenomenon of excessive trust. Bias further impacts this
> potential risk for trust, or overtrust, in that these systems are learning
> by mimicking our own thinking processes, inheriting our own implicit gender
> and racial biases, for example. Consequently, the propensity for trust and
> the potential of bias may have a direct impact on the overall quality of
> the interaction between humans and machines, whether the interaction is in
> the domains of healthcare, job-placement, or other high-impact life
> scenarios. In this talk, we will discuss this phenomenon of integrated
> trust and bias through the lens of AI systems that interact with people in
> scenarios that are realizable in the near-term.
> *Dr. Milind Tambe *
> Professor, Harvard University and Director "AI for Social Good" at Google
> Research India
> *AI for Public Health and Conservation: Learning and Planning in the
> Data-to-Deployment Pipeline*
> With the maturing of AI and multiagent systems research, we have a
> tremendous opportunity to direct these advances towards addressing complex
> societal problems. We focus on the problems of public health and wildlife
> conservation, and present research advances in multiagent systems to
> address one key cross-cutting challenge: how to effectively deploy our
> limited intervention resources in these problem domains. We present our
> deployments from around the world as well as lessons learned that we hope
> are of use to researchers who are interested in AI for Social Impact.
> Achieving social impact in these domains often requires methodological
> advances; we will highlight key research advances in topics such as
> computational game theory, multi-armed bandits and influence maximization
> in social networks for addressing challenges in public health and
> conservation. In pushing this research agenda, we believe AI can indeed
> play an important role in fighting social injustice and improving society.
> *Dr. Maria De-Arteaga*
> Assistant Professor, University of Texas Austin
> *A Case for Humans in the Loop*
> The increased use of algorithmic predictions in sensitive domains has been
> accompanied by both enthusiasm and concern. To understand the opportunities
> and risks of these technologies, it is key to study how experts alter their
> decisions when using such tools. In this work, we study the adoption of an
> algorithmic tool used to assist child maltreatment hotline screening
> decisions. We show that, while humans do make use of recommendations, they
> are less likely to adhere to the machine's recommendation when the score
> displayed is an incorrect estimate of risk. These results highlight the
> risks of full automation and the importance of designing decision pipelines
> that provide humans with autonomy.
> *Mr. Arbel Vigodny*
> Chief Operating Officer, Zzapp Malaria
> *AI in the service of malaria elimination in sub-Saharan Africa*
> Malaria is one of the most persistent public health problems, responsible
> for over 400,000 deaths per year. However, the basic tools to fight the
> disease have been around for over a century, and have successfully
> eliminated malaria from many countries around the world. In this talk I
> will discuss how Zzapp uses AI to overcome the challenges involved in the
> implementation of these tools in sub-Saharan Africa, where the disease
> burden is highest, and how we bring AI to the most remote and inaccessible
> regions.
> *When: *November 11 | 3pm-4.30pm US EST (8pm-9.30pm UTC)
> *Where: *https://ucl.zoom.us/j/98786206186
> Warmly,
> X4D Organizers
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