Those of us who are organizing the restarting of neighborhood walkers in the AIA area (and we hope that other areas will join us once we have things organized and running in the AIA area) are looking at the moment for places to advertise for participants. In particular, we would like to hear about web pages for the AIA area, anyone who publishes documents for the AIA area, newsletters, flyers that we might advertise in, other list-serves and e-mail lists besides the chat and discussion list-serves, any meetings, etc.

If you have such information, please let me know the contact person for each place that we may be able to advertise.

We also plan to flyer the AIA area. And anyone interested in volunteering now (either to help in the advertising or to walk at least one hour per week or both) is welcome to join us.

Once we have a larger group of volunteers, we plan to arrange for training from Northern District. It is already being contacted in case they need a bit of lead time (and they have told us that they do provide such training for neighborhood walkers, for Community on Patrol which involves driving around, etc.).


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