Now here's a clever, mischievous gadget from .
It's like a miniature universal remote for turning TVs off.

Here's the link:

and here's a blurb:

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are about 250 million
television sets in the U.S. and we can guess that the majority of them
are turned on a lot of the time. All in all, this is not bad (heck, we
enjoy a good movie as much as anyone else) but there are some
occasions when you just need to do everyone a favor and turn the TV
off. A certain portion of television content is just plain
questionable and about as healthy as second-hand smoke.

Enter the TV-B-Gone, a small television remote that hangs on your
keychain and turns off virtually any television with the press of
button. "Now, what would be the purpose of such a device?" you may be
asking yourself. Well, without revealing too much of our devious
nature we can think of a few things. Imagine sports bars or annoying
talking head shows that appear on monitors at the airport. Add to that
your own creativity and we're pretty sure you'll come up with some
ideas. All you need to do is press the button and keep pointing it at
the TV until it turns off (which may take up to 69 seconds). The next
69 seconds will be spent quietly, or not so quietly, enjoying the
perplexed expressions of the TV automatons.


Emil Volcheck

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