I had the problem a few years ago. The first time, I found the anthill and poured lots of boiling water on it. That got rid of the ants that year (but I have since read that it is very damaging to the soil).

When the ants came back the next year, boiling water did not work. But I bought some Combat ant traps that were designed to go outside (with plastic stakes). That got rid of the ants that year.

They came back again another year, and I found the anthill next door (while my neighbor was out of the country), and I put Combat in her yard and got rid of the ants.

Since then, I have not seen Combat outdoor ant traps (I forget what was on the label, but they came in a pack of 12 traps) at Giant, but recently I saw an ad on tv for another brand of the same thing. So I would suggest getting that. I do not know whether you will find them at Giant or Safeway or whether you will have to go to a hardware store.

By the way, one problem with using chemicals including those contained in ant traps is that eventually the target of the chemicals will evolve a resistance to them. Years ago, I got rid of mice using bait containing warfarin; later on, I got mice that thrived on warfarin, and I had to get another bait.

I just saw Christine's post. I have not found boric acid effective, but if you use it, you really have to keep it dry, and I may not have been as good at that as she has undoubtedly been.


John Spurrier wrote:

Is anyone experiencing a problem with ants this spring? For the first time in 17 years ants have appeared in my kitchen. I understand from conversations with neighbors at the Festival that the
problem may be widespread. Does anyone have any suggestions?



John Spurrier
Your LIVE BALTIMORE Preferred Realtor
(410) 433-7800
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